segunda-feira, abril 27, 2009

Droga: "Time" questiona sucesso da despenalização portuguesa...

Com o título "Drugs in Portugal:Did Decriminalization Work" publicou a revista norte-americana Time, no passado 26 de Abril, um texto, da jornalista Maia Szalavitz,questionando o sucesso da descriminalização do consumo de drogas em Portugal: "Although its capital is notorious among stoners and college kids for marijuana haze–filled "coffee shops," Holland has never actually legalized cannabis — the Dutch simply don't enforce their laws against the shops. The correct answer is Portugal, which in 2001 became the first European country to officially abolish all criminal penalties for personal possession of drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. At the recommendation of a national commission charged with addressing Portugal's drug problem, jail time was replaced with the offer of therapy. The argument was that the fear of prison drives addicts underground and that incarceration is more expensive than treatment — so why not give drug addicts health services instead? Under Portugal's new regime, people found guilty of possessing small amounts of drugs are sent to a panel consisting of a psychologist, social worker and legal adviser for appropriate treatment (which may be refused without criminal punishment), instead of jail". Aqui.

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